A Safe, Fresh Start for Women
Lynne’s House is a safe and loving home for women to be restored and healed and
to receive a fresh, new start at life. This is a faith-centered home,
filled with God’s love, to mend the brokenhearted.
From Surviving to Thriving

Jennifer’s Fresh Start
The first time I heard about Lynne’s House, I was locked up in jail on a drug charge. I was released from jail and two weeks later ended up in a psychiatric hospital because I had a nervous breakdown. I had suffered from many heartaches from past relationships, as well as rejection and bitterness. At Lynne’s House I found love, peace in my heart, and purpose for my life. I have learned that when I put God first, everything in my life falls into place. I felt like family at Lynne’s House. I received prayer, inner healing, and freedom from all my past. Wow, look where I am now! I have 2 great jobs! I’m an X-Ray Tech/Chiropractor assistant, and I’m also a caregiver for an elder from my church. I have paid off loans, and I’m saving money! I graduated from the 12 steps with Celebrate Recovery! I feel less anxious, and I’m hopeful and excited about my future! I’m so very thankful for the fresh start in life that I received at Lynne’s House!
How Do I Support?
By clicking on the button below, you can donate to this amazing cause started by Lynne’s parents and family in her name.
Thanks to all who have already contributed to Lynne’s House
Make sure to specify your contribution is for LYNNE’S HOUSE