Our Founders

Rod and Mary Aguillard
Vision Scripture:
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. John 12:24
Our Inspiration

In Honor and Memory of
Lynne Aguillard Venus
Inspiration for Lynne’s House dates back to December 2008, when Rod Aguillard’s oldest daughter succumbed to depression and took her own life.
Lynne Aguillard Venus battled bipolar disorder for more than two decades, enduring long periods of manic highs and crushing lows. After getting a divorce, she lived as a single parent in a cottage behind her father’s house and showed vast improvement in the months leading up to her passing.
On the day she took her life, Lynne was smiling and back at work as a hairdresser. When the news of Lynne’s passing, her family was left shocked.
Stephen, pastor of LifeHouse Church and brother of Lynne Aguillard Venus approached his father with a suggestion to start Lynne’s House, a haven for women who need help and guidance to get back onto their feet.
Rod Aguillard saw Lynne’s House become a reality with the help of a $20,000 donation from the Network of Related Pastors, an organization he ministers through.
“They knew that Lynne’s House is my heart,” Rod Aguillard said. “It’s the memory of my daughter, knowing her death is not in vain. We’re going to see ladies rescued, and we feel like Lynne’s House will be a place “Where Love Heals” for many years to come!